If there is anyone who cannot see through the politics of this debacle,
they do need to be pittied.
July 27, 2011
The King’s Speech
By Monica Crowley
Some thoughts on President Obama’s speech to the nation Tuesday night
on the debt crisis that he created:
1. He began by blaming President Bush (soooo 2008) on tax rates (which
he extended) and the prescription drug benefit entitlement (which he
supported). Cannot believe that he’s STILL blaming Bush. Did someone
forget to change his batteries? Are his speechwriters just too busy
playing shirtless beer pong? Or is he really that petty in his
obsession with throwing his predecessor down the stairs?
2. Says he: “I won’t bore you with the details of every plan or
proposal.” Because HE has neither a plan nor a proposal.
3. He talks about spending cuts as if he actually intends to follow
through on them. LOL. What a shameless liar.
4. STILL pushing tax hikes?? Spoken like a true deaf, dumb, and blind
wealth redistributing ideologue. The ONLY person in Washington still
gassing around about tax increases is Barack Obama.
5. He unloads on the Republicans when he has NO PLAN of his own. That’s
not presidential leadership. That’s just playground finger-pointing.
6. STILL pounding “hedge fund” guys and “corporate jet owners?” Oh yes,
because they’re TOTALLY the root of the debt problem.
7. STILL lecturing us about how “millionaires and billionaires should
pay their fair share?” Not only are they major job creators, but they
already pay the VAST majority of federal income taxes. If he wants to
talk about “fairness,” why not discuss the 47% of Americans who pay NO
federal income tax AT ALL and thus have no skin in the game? Fairness,
my butt. Plus, according to Obama, you’re a “millionaire” if you make
$200,000 a year. Either he failed math or he’s a raging radical Marxist.
8. Says he: “Raising the debt ceiling was routine.” But he voted
AGAINST doing so in 2007.
9. STOP using the word “default!” There will be no such thing if no
deal is reached on or before the arbitrary date of August 2. The feds
take in about $175 billion a month. Debt service is about $25 billion a
month. I know he failed math, but gee whiz. Not only will there be no
default, there will be plenty of dough to cover Social Security,
Medicare, the military, and other essential services. Whenever he
fearmongers by invoking “default,” he’s lying.
10. He refers to the “dangerous game” of the debt negotiations. But the
true “dangerous game” has been his out of control spending and massive
expansion of government that are wholly unsustainable and bankrupting
11. The class warfare BS is so anti-American as to be borderline
12. Last week, he told us that he wasn’t “even thinking about
re-election.” Set aside the nearly 40 fundraisers he has held/attended
for his re-election over the past few months. Last night, he delivered
a full-on campaign speech: political, partisan, and meant to persuade
voters, not Congress. Not thinking about his re-election?? He really
thinks we’re stupid.
13. He refers to achieving “a more perfect union.” Do you know what he
ACTUALLY means by that? He means changing America into a socialist
nation. That’s what he means by “more perfect.”
Read Number 13 again. That’s not only the most important point to take
away from his speech last night. It’s the most important point about
this psychotic Marxist’s presidency, period.
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